indexDo you have fears? If you do, most probably, you are aware of the feeling. Your palms get sweat, your heart is beating fast, your hands and legs are trembling.

It is hard to have this kind of feeling isn’t it? However, hey, there is good news; you can do something to fight this fear. You can try the Neuro linguistic programming. Here what you can expect during the session:

  • You will be asked to think of your fears and other traumatic experiences.

This will allow the NLP practitioner to assess the level of your fear as well as your responses. By knowing the reaction, the practitioner will back off when it appears during the exercise. After the assessment of your fear, you will be diverted into a more positive condition.

  • You will close your eyes.

You will need to visualize. Like for example, you will be asked to close your eyes and think as if you are watching a movie in the movie theater with black and white scene. If you cannot make use of your visualization, the practitioner will ask you to use your other senses.

  • You will imagine.

Once your eyes are close, you will imagine that you are in the projection booth. Imagine your past traumatic experiences. This as if you are watching a movie of your life. The practitioner will watch your reaction while you are watching the negative event of your life while you are imagining.

  • You will be asked to enter the final imagination process.

You will have to emphasize what you see, hear, and feel. You will be able to think of the movie with reverse scenes. It seems like you are going backwards in full speed. You will change everything that happen to you.

  • You will think of the future.

You will be ask to think of the future. Aside from that, you will also have to return the past and you will be asked if it still affects you. Most probably, when the process has been successful, you will say that it no longer affects like the way it affected you before. In fact, you may say that you do not have feeling about it anymore. This means that your experience has been reframed your emotions are neutralized.

When everything fails, you may need to undergo hypnosis in the next session. Through NLP, you will be changed using your brain. Aside from fears and phobias, this is also effective changing your lifestyle like quitting smoking and losing weight.

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